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Home / Friends-What-Lasts-After-The-Gap-Year

The friends that I have made over the year mean the most to me of anything I have done over the past year. Kind people from all over the world with a shared love of making stuff with technology. Here are some notes to many of them (sorry to the many I am leaving out of this list)

To Sam:
Sam, you're such a legend. I have a saying & that is that it isn't Summer without Sam. I remember meeting you at Epoch all these years ago and being super inspired, and it's awesome to now call you a close friend. From all the group meals we shared to us both staying up late working on projects, I am super grateful for the time we spent together over the past year. You're a legend mate, and I look forward to seeing what you do in the Bay! I'll be there soon enough as we all will be (Sam's Theory) ;)

To JC:
JC, you have grown so much over the year! I think you have grown more than any of us. I consider you a really great friend. I am not quite as poetic or good with words as you are in your writing. I really enjoyed our conversations @ the waterfront, Hyde St, Willard, & the various Indian restaurants we have visited in Burlington. I am so happy that you took life into your own hands and are writing your own journey. It's a fun journey to follow, and I look forward to what you decide to do next. I'll be in the Bay too soon enough! :)

To Fayd:
Fayd, what a wild year! It started with me meeting you at a greyhound pickup point at like 3AM for you to then come to Hyde St & sleep on the futon. At the time, I did not know you at all (we met only briefly at Epoch), but now I know you so well. We've been through all of the highs & lows. I remember all of those times we spent exploring Boston & also talking at the waterfront. What great memories, really looking forward to the new memories to come :)

To Dev:
Dev, you are such a professional at this stuff man! I've always really looked up to you. You handle logistics so well & are so organized in your personal life. Again, mad respect for the way you operate, I think it requires a special type of genius & hard work to do the work that you do. The events you've helped organize (from Outernet to Epoch) are incredible, and I based a lot of my work on your work. It's awesome you'll be in North Carolina, we'll have to meet up in the Carolinas sometime soon :) (also ty for teaching me & my mom how to cook some Indian food dishes, great memories!)

To Nila:
Nila! When we first met at Epoch after the event, I thought you were putting on an accent and I was so confused. Several months later when you moved here, I realized that you had lived in Australia! I remember the time we hiked Mount Mansfield and accidentally went on the wrong trail & were sort of stuck on the mountain for the night (until Dev & Dieter came to help). JC & I wrapped you in a burrito-wrapping-like emergency blanket and you fell asleep almost instantly. You're really great at thriving in chaotic situations. You then went on to lead the fastest group of The Trail & from talking with members of your group, everyone loved it. You're a trooper & I look forward to what you do in Tanzania! Cya again sometime soon!

To Shawn:
Shawn! You have such a good sense of humor. The microwave video you made with Dieter has such Shawn energy in it. I've also seen some of the projects you've built since your recent move & they're incredible. You're doing REALLY great work & I am super happy for you. We'll have to meet up sometime :)

To Lexi:
Lexi, you're the smartest person that I know. I do not know how you are both so smart & so kind. You're going to go on to change the world and it is so incredible to have you as my friend. I remember your house full of the blahaj plushies & the times we made group meals that "the asylum institute". What crazy adventures, tysm.

To Caleb:
Caleb! You were the first gap year that I met at Hack Club HQ! You showed me around & sort of taught me the culture. I remember our trip up to Montreal w/ a couple other gap years. What a fun adventure. I appreciate your approach to life & I am really excited to see the things that you do. Bank is awesome bc of u :)

To Ben:
Ben, you're a wild one, aye? I'm sure I'll see you when I am in the Bay (Sam's theory). You live life in the moment, and have a great mind. We've had lost of really interesting deep conversations, and I am super grateful for those convos. You're a great friend mate!

To Belle:
Belle, you're so incredible organized. You kept the Jams project SUPER organized & I really appreicate that. You're a calendar wizard. You're also a great friend. I remember when you came to visit & stayed at Hyde, that was an awesome weekend. I look forward to next time we meet. Who knows when or where, but it will def be an adventure :)

To Sahiti:
Sahiti, like JC I think you've grown so much this past year. It has been incredible to work with you on clubs projects. There are very few people in the world who understand the clubs program like you do. I really look forward to seeing how you evolve it. I am sort of passing the torch to you, and I cannot wait to see what you do with the flame. :)

To Zoya:
Zoya, you're an incredible artist. Being an artist also means (at least for you) being a bit of a perfectionist. I remember outside the Outernet cafe seeing an awesome piece of chalk board art you drew for the cafe only for you to quickly erase it because you did not think it was good enough. Ah, DON'T DO THAT! but I understand it's in your nature. Anyway, I really look forward to seeing all the art you create in the coming years & the really awesome projects you build. You have a fun approach to life.

& to the many others in the Hack Club community (Jay, Yahya, Adam, May, Reva, etc) who I have become friends with... thank you so much for making this the most incredible year of my life :)

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